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Fusion Fighting Championships V4

Submission wins for Mohammad & Carter

FFC Volume 4

We are looking forward to seeing Mohammad Bekai and Carter Thomas fight this Saturday

What an amazing night, Carter applies a "top lock" armbar taking the win in around 60 seconds and Mohammad takes a foot as he planned in training. Congratulations

Make discipline your secret weapon

Mastering Discipline: A Path to Success and Fulfillment

Discipline is the cornerstone of achievement, the secret sauce that propels individuals toward their goals and aspirations. It's the ability to control and direct oneself toward a desired outcome despite temptations, distractions, or obstacles. In essence, discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

Understanding Discipline

At its core, discipline involves cultivating self-control, willpower, and consistency in one's actions and decisions. It's about making deliberate choices that align with long-term objectives, even when immediate gratification or easier paths present themselves.

Discipline manifests in various forms, such as time management, goal setting, perseverance, and adherence to principles and values. It's the driver behind daily routines, healthy habits, professional growth, and personal development.

The Components of Discipline

1. Clarity of Purpose

Discipline begins with a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Setting specific, achievable goals provides a roadmap for your actions. When you know where you're heading, it's easier to stay disciplined and focused on the tasks that will get you there.

2. Self-Control and Delayed Gratification

Being disciplined often means saying no to immediate pleasures or distractions that could hinder progress. It requires controlling impulses and understanding the value of delayed gratification — sacrificing short-term benefits for long-term gains.

3. Consistency and Routine

Consistency is a hallmark of discipline. Establishing and adhering to routines can help reinforce good habits and maintain momentum toward your goals. Over time, these routines become ingrained, making it easier to stay disciplined.

4. Time Management

Effective time management is crucial for maintaining discipline. Prioritizing tasks, managing your schedule, and allocating time wisely help ensure that you dedicate ample time to what truly matters.

5. Adaptability and Resilience

Discipline involves staying committed to your goals, even in the face of setbacks or failures. Being able to adapt to changing circumstances and bounce back from challenges is a vital aspect of discipline.

Cultivating Discipline

Developing discipline is a gradual process that requires dedication and effort. Here are some strategies to help you cultivate discipline in your life:

1. Set Clear Goals

Define your short-term and long-term goals with precision. Break them down into achievable milestones, creating a clear roadmap toward success.

2. Establish a Routine

Create a daily routine that aligns with your goals. Allocate specific time blocks for various activities, ensuring that you consistently work toward your objectives.

3. Practice Self-Awareness

Become mindful of your actions, habits, and thought patterns. Understand your strengths, weaknesses, and triggers that might hinder your discipline.

4. Exercise Willpower

Challenge yourself regularly to strengthen your willpower. Start with small tasks and gradually take on more significant challenges.

5. Stay Accountable

Share your goals and progress with a trusted friend, mentor, or coach who can hold you accountable. This external accountability can reinforce your commitment to staying disciplined.

6. Celebrate Progress

Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Recognizing your progress motivates you to keep pushing forward.

The Rewards of Discipline

Embracing discipline in your life leads to a multitude of benefits:

  • Achievement of Goals: Discipline helps you stay on track and work steadily toward your objectives.

  • Improved Productivity: With effective time management and consistent effort, you accomplish more in less time.

  • Enhanced Self-Esteem: Meeting goals through discipline boosts your confidence and self-esteem.

  • Better Health and Well-Being: Discipline often involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle, resulting in improved physical and mental well-being.

  • Resilience and Adaptability: The discipline you cultivate helps you bounce back from setbacks, making you more resilient and adaptable.

In conclusion, discipline is not just a means to an end; it's a way of life. Mastering discipline can transform your life, paving the way for success, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment. So, set your goals, stay committed, and let discipline be your guiding force towards a fulfilling future.


Byron Bay Australian Open and Australian National Champion

One of Australia's top practitioners, Mohammad Bekai, is demonstrating his talent.

Mohammad defeated outstanding competition to win the Byron Bay Australian Open and the Australian National Championships this month.